Published books:
The Odyssey In Stick Figures
On the Shoulders of Giants: Selected Biographies of Scientists Level 1
Reading For the Field
Just the Words: World Geography
Just the Words: Government
Finding It In the World: World Geography Second Edition
Just the Words: Science
Bard in Stick Figures
ParaEducate Available on Kindle

Curriculum Offered
- All About School Bells
- Bill Counters
- Bowling (Reading pages)
- Candy Heart Math
- Clock Schedule
- Communication Board for Playing Uno
- Counting Up Rockets
- Country Vocabulary Icons
- Diary of Anne Frank for Students with Disabilities
- Figurative Language Note Sheets
- Geography by Location Icons
- Geography by Location
- Geography by Location Vocabulary Writing
- Journal for Covid-19
- Letter Poster Guide
- Math-Life Skills Data Sheets
- Modern City Icons
- Monthly Data Reporting Sheets
- My Earthquake Plan
- My Hurricane Plan
- Newspaper Skills
- One to One Correspondance Mats
- Order of Operations Cards
- Pi Day Worksheets
- Romeo and Juliet: A Tragedy in Stick Figures
- Romeo and Juliet Speeches for Students with Disabilities
- Romeo and Juliet Character Pages
- Romeo and Juliet Bundle (all three of our Romeo and Juliet products at a discounted price!)
- Run Log for Secondary
- Shane Packet
- U.S. Coin Counting Mats
- U.S. State and Capital Writing
- U.S. Vocabulary Word Writing
- Weekend Writing
- Weekly/Daily Reporting Sheets
- What Can I Buy This Week?
- World History Vocabulary Writing
Conferences Attended
ParaEducate has been to many conferences and has shared our work at the following events. We love meeting people and hope you attend and come up and ask us directly.
- 2021: Cal-TASH Online
- 2020: Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP)
- 2020: Cal-TASH, Sacramento, California
- 2019: KU SOARS Lawrence, Kansas
- 2019: Cal-TASH San Diego, California
- 2019: AZ-WINS Phoenix, Arizona
- 2018: Cal-TASH, Sacramento, California
- 2017: SXSWEdu, Austin, Texas
- 2016: Cal-TASH, Sacramento, California
- 2015: Cal-TASH, Irvine, California
- 2014: Brentwood Summer Institute Brentwood, California
- 2014: CSEA Paraeducator’s Conference San Jose, California
- 2013: CSEA Paraeducator’s Conference San Jose, California
- 2013: AZ-Wins Inclusive Practices Institute, Arizona
- 2012: TASH, Long Beach, California
- 2012: Cal-TASH, Oakland, California
- 2012: CSEA Paraeducator’s Conference, Sacramento, California