Tag: paraeducators
Our year thirteen starts at the start of what we can only assume is the flurry of chaos before chaos unlocks all the doors. We are prepared to answer the stand for the students with disabilities and students in public education in general. To be clear, we will always advocate for students with disabilities. We…
Camera Panning Up
Renay was working on scheduling the other day. Processing both student and adult schedules and trying to make the complexities work of work. She was comparing student needs and personality against adult personalities and skills. While this is the real work that helps provide success in the classroom, this is also about knowing that students…
Five Resolutions for Paraeducators in 2014– Originally Posted Jan. 12, 2014
Before I get too far into this week’s post, I want to piggy back onto last week’s post from Megan. When I agreed to ParaEducate (the company), it solved a few things. Firstly, it solved how to address publishing ParaEducate and it introduced something near and dear to my heart: academic modifications. ParaEducate is going…
Through the Dark
We know that our May started in a whirl, guiding folks through standardized testing for a variety of students. Not just state testing, but English language testing for students who have another home language, then the district assessments. And then the world had to stop for Renay as she had to wrangle just the last…
Time to Trust [Your] Instincts
Perhaps because Renay has been working in that space that occurs between the two major Fall term holidays (Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks), that this has been on our mind. Students are unsettled from trying to make that transition back to things in front of them that are a required activity and all the excitement many…